Sunday, 9 November 2014

Meet Dilly!

It's Sunday and i'm ill, I thought if there was anyone else in the same position then what better to do than look at a cute puppy. My dad got a tiny little Pug puppy a few weeks ago and I thought I would share some pictures of the little guy. His name is Dylan and he's the cutest thing.

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Day Trip to Brighton!

As I have mentioned in a previous post my family and I are planning a move to Brighton, soon as our London home sells we'll be well on our way to starting a life by the sea...which I cannot wait for! 
I went on a little road trip to visit schools and just mosey about with my mum and sister and had such a lovely day. I took a few photos and just thought i'd share them with you.


We finished off our trip with a late lunch at quaint little pub. The guy that served our table was so sweet, and they served AMAZING burgers. Good food, fab company and the weather was sunny with crisp cool air - can't think of anything better! 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Awkward Stories

So after spending way too long trying to tweet a funny story in 140 characters I reluctantly gave up, and had the idea to perhaps do a little segment of funny stories on here.
I attract bizarre people and this combined with my willingness to chat to anyone often results in rather strange and sometimes dangerous situations - varying from ex-spies running from the Government to mad old women try to convince  me i'm an alien...

I have had many jobs some I have loved some I have hated - doing Street Fundraising for charities was one that I enjoyed at first but after nearly being punch in the face 4 times I decided to hang up my clip board and admit defeat.

 The job in itself was one big recipe for disaster - When you are stood in the middle of a busy London high street trying to stop people for 8 hours the likely-hood of coming across a psychopath is surprisingly high. After being threatened, stalked, and abused by various members of the public I put down my wind breaker and cried in a corner for a few days, before crying in bed for a month.

I may be mentally scarred, have bad anxiety and now hate everything and everyone..but hey I have some mildly funny stories to show for it.


On this occasion I was working in Kings Cross outside the station, near the scary policemen with the unnecessarily big guns - It was a sunny day and I was wearing way too many layers as per usual. The day prior I managed to break my wrist (a story for another day) so was wearing a huge white cast and sling, which to my dismay didn't get any sympathy stops.

 After a long day in the sun; with not a single sign up, I began to feel a bit delirious and like a starved lion hallucinating about meat, I dreamt of a sweet old lady approaching me and signing up so I could go home - then, there on the horizon I saw a quirky looking older women with crazy hair and layers and layers of weird jewellery.. A  H I P P Y !! Bells rang and birds sang.

This grey haired women, with layers of pearls and home-made looking jewellery did stop and after ignoring my cheery greeting she frowned and stared at me for a few minuets, before opening with
'Oh don't look very well. You look awful'
I thought she was referring to my broken arm and weather beaten face - she wasn't.
'You're green. You're scaly and green. Seriously what the hell is wrong with you. Are you an alien? Oh my god you're an alien.' She had a horse deep voice and spat when she spoke.
She sounded terrified. 'You're a real alien ahhh. I always thought i'd see one! Are you okay?!'

I was just stood there like...

Being the awkward person I am I decided to ignore this women's insanity and proceed with my pitch, which was a stupid idea - 'I'm doing fine, but i'll tell you what's not doing so fine.....Africa...' As I launched into my pitch on water purification she interrupted me 'You should go back to you're own planet. You alien. You are horrible. *mean words mean words* I also think you should chop off a limb you would feel much better'

Cue awkward silence.

She saw my confused face and proceeded..
'I can help you if you like, just an arm or leg will do. I promise you'll feel much better.'
She tried to convince me for about half an hour, then I realised that I was arguing with a mad women about why I wasn't going to amputate my own leg and had a WHAT HAS LIFE COME TO moment.

I tried to leave at this point but she held by arm and told me she had a secret to tell me, which made me want to leave even more as i'm bad at keeping secrets but she insisted I stayed.
She began 'Well i'm really into bath salts..and I think you should try them.' Not what I was expecting 'They will stop you from being an alien and turn you back into a human, so you need them. Here have mine.' She handed me a little bag of crystals and smiled at me, I thanked her thinking it was very sweet but there was no way I was putting them into my bath when I had a nice Lush bath bomb waiting for me at home. I carried on with my day and didn't see her again...

It was only when I got home to my family a few hours later, with the bath salts, that I was informed that I had just taken part in a drug deal. I was disappointed to hear that the sachet did not contain any lavender scented bath crystals but instead a zombifying drug that has been known to make people eat each other. Oops.

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Happy Halloween folks! This year I went as a dead person/vampire/zombie...basically smeared a load of crap on my face and left the house. I actually really liked the whole going out looking like death thing, certainly takes the pressure of trying to impress anyone. 

If you live in Britain you'll know that it was extremely hot this halloween, which coincided with me having a terrible day which led to me being a very grumpy zombie. Frustrated Tas + Humid Heat + being dressed for Autumn = HALLOWEEN DISASTER

Heres some tips for having a smooth running halloween:

1) PLAN AND BUY YOUR COSTUME IN ADVANCE - I planned my costume in my mind very far in advance but left it till 6pm Friday evening to actually purchase it. I went on a 4 hour quest for face paint, which of course was no where to be found so I had to change costume ideas and make use of the what I had. Getting your costume and make-up sorted before hands eliminates stress and allows for a more chilled time getting ready!

2) DRESS UP - It's the one time of the year where you can rub blood all over yourself, where fangs and scare children with out being called a nut case- embrace it!

3) WALK OF SHAME - Be prepared for the awkward walk of shame, when you've drank too much and the night has come to an end as you walk down your road alone at 6 in the morning wearing a ridiculous costume as the sun rises and the early birds leave for work and you try to play it cool. 


Heres a few clearer pictures of my Halloween make-up as I edited the first pick for dramatic effect dun dun duuuuuuuuuun. 

+ my awesome pumpkin socks

My university is in Kings Cross and theres always something fun going on, they laid out hundreds of pumpkins and allowed people to take them to carve. Really brightened up my day to see people making an effort just for purpose the of making people smile. 

Hope you all had an amazing Halloween, now that it's over it means we're one step closer to Christmas aaaah *throws confetti*