Saturday, 6 September 2014

Things that irritate me

- When people whistle through their nose as they breathe

- Slurping, chomping, chewing loudly

- Being asked questions when i'm furiously hungry and trying to inhale my food

- People that eat   R  E   A   L   L  Y    S  L  O  W  L  Y

- People that can't look after themselves and demand to be babied when doing normal very unchallenging things in day to day life

- PPL dat talk lyk gangsterz fam dat grew up in sum well nyce endz that relli shudnnt be tawkin lyke day iz from Ze schlumsss in new york citty dark endz Ya feels me son (???)

- Those women with their buggies that have that very proud look about them as they happily take up the ENTIRE pavement with their buggies as they walk next to each other nattering about what organic peas they're buying for their children Arabellaswan-Lettuce Jnr and Nigel Kasbian the first, meanwhile you're pinned against a wall or forced into the middle of a busy road.

- Van Men. Oh yes its 2pm and I was so hoping an over weight middle aged man in a tracksuit would beckon me over to his dingey looking van so that I could take part in whatever activity it is that one associates with 'OI OI OOSH OOSH SEXY COME ERRRRRE'. I would like to know if that has ever in the history of man kind actually worked for a guy? Hmm.


  1. Some of these are brilliant!! I can't stand people who chew noisily. And the same with the cat-callers from vans. I literally don't understand where they get the idea that this is a good way of meeting girls and they'll meet their future wife. X
